Tailwind CSS vs. Bulma

August 25, 2021

Tailwind CSS vs. Bulma

Styling a website involves a lot of CSS coding, and it can be challenging and time-consuming. To simplify that, developers use pre-built CSS frameworks that simplify the process and make styling more manageable and consistent. Two popular CSS frameworks are Tailwind CSS and Bulma. In this blog post, we will compare both frameworks in terms of features, performance, and ease of use.


Both frameworks offer a wide range of features that developers can use to customize their website's appearance. However, Tailwind is more comprehensive and has more built-in classes than Bulma, and it offers a range of pre-defined text sizes, borders, and shadows that can be easily used by developers. On the other hand, Bulma offers a more concise set of features, which makes it easier to understand and navigate. Bulma offers ready-made components such as pagination, message boxes, and dropdown menus, while Tailwind requires developers to build these components from scratch.


Performance is an important consideration for any CSS framework, as poorly optimized frameworks can slow down page load times. In terms of performance, Tailwind generates more complex HTML and CSS than Bulma, which can result in larger file sizes and slower load times. On the other hand, Tailwind's extensive use of utility classes means that developers can reuse classes throughout their code, reducing the overall file size. Bulma generates more straightforward HTML and CSS, which makes it faster and more efficient overall.

Ease of Use

Both frameworks have their own unique syntax, and while familiarity with CSS is essential, developers with less experience in CSS may find one framework easier to use than the other. Tailwind uses a utility-first syntax that requires developers to use a lot of classes to define a style. While this approach can be overwhelming at first, once the developer is familiar with the classes, they can easily reuse them throughout their code without writing any custom CSS. Bulma, on the other hand, uses a declarative syntax that's easier to read and understand, but can be more complicated to customize.

And the Winner is...

It's a tie! Both frameworks offer unique advantages and disadvantages, and which one to use ultimately comes down to personal preference and project requirements.


  1. Tailwind CSS official website
  2. Bulma official website
  3. Kinsta - Tailwind CSS Vs. Bulma: A Comprehensive Comparison

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